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magic lamp

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magic lamp Empty magic lamp

Post  sean fitzsimons Mon May 04, 2009 1:38 pm

An old ex-para down on his luck was wandering the beach when he kicked a bottle. There was a puff of smoke, a flash of light and a voice said "you have three wishes master". The old para said "This is all i need!". the voice responded "what is your first wish master?". He thought for a minute.... then said " I'de like 1 million pounds..... oh make it 2! in a swiss bank acount (inflation). Another puff of smoke and a flash of light and the deposit receipt appeared in his hand. He said "This is a good idea" to which the voice responded..."oh master what is your second wish?" He thought for a minute and said "I'de like a red Masarati" once again after a puff of smoke and a flash of light the car appeared before the old para. The voice asked "what is your 3rd and final wish master?" He thought of the motto of the para reg, P.A.R.A.- "Passion And Romance Anywhere" So he stated "I want to be made irresistable to women!" After another puff of smoke and a flash of light he was turned into a box of chocolates!

sean fitzsimons

Posts : 37
Join date : 2009-04-21
Age : 81
Location : glos.

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