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A Guardsman

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A Guardsman Empty A Guardsman

Post  Wrockwardine Wanderer Mon Apr 27, 2009 11:36 am

A paratrooper was on sentry duty in the Falklands, when he saw a figure approaching towards him out of the dark.

As the figure got closer, the paratrooper moved his safety catch to fire on his SLR and in a quiet voice called out, "Halt"

The figure kept on moving towards him,

Again the paratrooper called out "halt"

Still the figure moved closer towards the sentry.

The paratrooper fired a single round and the figure slumped down to the ground and cried out "help".

The paratrooper on hearing the english voice cry for help crawled forward and said " Who the fcuk are you"

The reply from the slumped body was "I'm Guardsman Jones"

The paratrooper called out "Why the fcuk didn't you stop why i called out halt.

The guardsman said

You gave it on the wrong foot :
Wrockwardine Wanderer
Wrockwardine Wanderer

Posts : 71
Join date : 2009-04-17
Age : 82
Location : Telford Shropshire

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