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2 Generals 1 French and 1 British are talking

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2 Generals 1 French and 1 British are talking Empty 2 Generals 1 French and 1 British are talking

Post  Mick Farrell Fri May 29, 2009 3:45 am

So a French General sits down next to the British General.

Frog, "Monsieur, I must ask, Why Do You wear RedCoats? This is most Untactical!"
Brit, "You See Sir, In the Heat of Combat, as an Officer, we must never let our Men down, So even if we are shot, The Blood will not be seen on our Uniform, and the Men will be unwaivering in the Attack!!!"

and ever since then, The French Military have worn Brown Pants!!!!
Mick Farrell
Mick Farrell

Posts : 21
Join date : 2009-04-12

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